Mohamed Elmahdy

Apr 26, 20202 min

COVID or Hunger – which one will kill me?

COVID is the scare that is racing around the world like a fire, threatening to infect and has actually affected thousands in every country. People are being buried at a rate that has not been seen since the war eras and maybe more.

The solution as health personnel dictate towards the public is social distancing. It is their responsibility to deal with those who are sick and to prevent others from getting sick so that they can provide the sick with enough care and provisions to get them on their feet if possible.

This will help in minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 from person to person. In turn, it will lessen the number of people who are at the hospital at one interval.

To do that, companies are working online, those who can do their work from the comfort of their home, on their laptops – do so.


The question arises – what about those who earn their bread on a day-to-day basis? How do they get their lively hood when work is closed, companies that employ them do not do so anymore.

To answer simply, they face hunger.

The world faces a looming economic crisis, but looking closely at the people who barely survived before the coronavirus, and how they are dealing now:

· They have no work and hence no food on the table.

· They cannot afford the protective measures that are required during these days like masks and gloves.

· Affording the extravagance of sanitization is definitely out of the question.

· Using alcohol to disinfect – that’s a joke if he can afford to smile.

· Who is donating food, money – as opposed who is hiring a worker?

Those are shall we say the lucky ones, as statistics imply, there are more than two hundred million people who will face starvation before the end of the year. These people do not even give the coronavirus any time of day – they are simply fighting a greater war than those of us who are looking for masks and protection. It is an invisible enemy, and yet all its talons are visible – for with the onset and the end of each day, they are hungry.


· “Hunger will kill us” – the thought that nags at them.

· “Instead of coronavirus, the hunger will kill us,” said one migrant worker as he lined up for food donation.

· “The lockdown has trampled on our dignity.” From news via the New York Times.

Summing up, the entity in charge of food as a worldwide endeavor – the World Food Program made an estimate that towards the end of 2020, 265 million people will be on the brink of actual starvation.

That is a looming nightmare of monumental proportions.
