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Mar 06, 2022
In General Discussions
You finish your coffee and walk out calmly in the face of everyone's incomprehension. How can that person be happy? - they wonder. You are calm, last night Clipping Path Service while you were playing with your children you had an idea for a campaign on social networks. The sun is already visible in the sky, today will be a great day! In this article I will talk about that faith, about that energy that gives us the fact of having a clear idea when we want to carry out a Content Marketing action , and I will emphasize social networks. How to create a social media strategy! 1. The Plan The strategic plan is largely the source of trust and security. Of course, as long as you have the technique to work with one. The most common mistake, contrary to popular belief, is not not having a plan, but being a slave to a plan. So always remember: the plan works for you and not you for the plan. The function of the Plan is not to be carried out rigorously, but to help you anticipate problems, give you an initial orientation to make the most of your resources and those of your team, and help you control the process in motion. Outside of that, the plan is a clay and you the sculptor, shape it as you see fit.


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